Barred Danio (Devario pathirana)
Barred Danio is a beautiful endemic freshwater fish found in Sri Lanka. Known as "Pathirana Salaya" in native sinhala language, it grows to a maximum length of 6 cm. Found in the streams of wet zone rainforests often in small groups of 3 to 5 members.
they prefer streams with shade and clear water.
Due to the destruction of freshwater streams around rainforests for private mini-hydro projects, Barred Danio is in danger of being going extinct in the near future.
Many freshwater streams that provide habitat for the Barred Danio are under private ownership and in danger of being destroyed or significantly damaged due to human activities. By purchasing privately held forest land in the area bordering these streams and permanently designating them as conservation forests, Rainforest Protectors Trust aims to save the Barred Danio from going extinct.
Due to the destruction of freshwater streams around rainforests for private mini-hydro projects, Barred Danio is in danger of being going extinct in the near future.
Many freshwater streams that provide habitat for the Barred Danio are under private ownership and in danger of being destroyed or significantly damaged due to human activities. By purchasing privately held forest land in the area bordering these streams and permanently designating them as conservation forests, Rainforest Protectors Trust aims to save the Barred Danio from going extinct.