Donate a property and leave a legacy
Do you have an extra property? Perhaps you are an expatriate wanting to give back to your motherland? This is your opportunity to save the last remaining rainforests in Sri Lanka for the future generations.
The property can be located anywhere in Sri Lanka. If you have land within close proximity to a protected area, Rainforest Protectors Trust can save and when necessary reforest using native species.
If the property is in urban or rural area away from existing forest reserves, we suggest the property be sold and all or part of the funds received can be donated to Rainforest Protectors Trust
to purchase and protect a suitable privately held forest land in high priority areas such as the buffer zone of Sinharaja World Heritage Rainforest, where currently our
community based Rainforest Guardians help protect conservation lands. They lands acquired through this initiative will be under Rainforest Protectors Trust in perpetuity.
Major donors will be highlighted on our site based on acres of forest saved through their contribution. If you prefer to remain anonymous that is also an option.
Please contact Rainforest Protectors Trust via email or through
Contact us page to discuss further.